Saturday, 11 June 2022

Round the bend

I am learning to lean into the curves. This does not come naturally to me at all, as I usually strive for balance, which often means leaning the other way.  I am specifically talking about  being a passenger on Verdi, the Vespa.  When rounding a corner,  I have learnt to follow Andrew's lead, and relax into the direction of the bend, instead of my instinctive first thought to lean the other way.  Which is dangerous, of course.  I enjoy - no, love!- this new-to-us mode of transport.  Andrew has been telling me forever about his dream of getting a scooter for us to tottle around on in our advanced age, and finally after lock down, I made him an offer he couldn't refuse.  We had the Vespa within a week. 

As always, there have been some funny tales to tell along the way.  Standing in the traffic department queue to book a learner's licence test, the kind security officer offered to escort me to the front of the line in honour of my age.  (Sigh.  I am really  NOT THAT OLD).  I declined, but when I finally reached the desk and told the clerk why I was there, he told me that people older than 65 are not allowed to book learner's licences. (You are, btw, with a certificate of good health.  And I am NOT THAT OLD.)  It was a relief to pass the test, and not have to go through that ordeal again.  I have yet to get my motorcycle driver's licence though, which is why I am the passenger.....

One of the things I enjoy about Vesparating, is the immediacy of the senses.  For example, I could smell the horses when we rode through rural Constantia.  I can feel the wind over Ou Kaapse Weg.  Hearing kids laughter on the beach front at Kalk Bay. I think the helmet and leather jacket create an alter ego for me, and that makes me smile too.

I am learning to lean into the metaphorical curves too.  Sometimes it is counterproductive (even dangerous) to always try to balance things by leaning outwards.  Sometimes it is better to go round the corner without resisting, to relax into the issue instead of fighting it.  (Not always, of course)  And it helps to be travelling with someone I can hold onto and trust to navigate safely.  And, always to put safety first so that when we fall off the metaphorical bike, our heads and hands are protected with helmets and gloves of common sense and practical work. It has been an interesting lesson for me to learn.

Last weekend we went for a trip around the Atlantic Seaboard.  This is near Llandudno


There are other curves I am learning to live with too, the ones that come with eating too many slices of chocolate cake, or scones in this case :)

Tea at the Twelve Apostles Hotel

Verdi theVespa is green (rather obviously.)  A classical motor racing green, which was part of Andrew's vision.  We are safe, middle of the road riders and the fuel consumption is very low.  I am just telling you this in case any of you have an unfulfilled dream that needs to be re examined.  Sometimes we just need to Carpe Diem. Even if others think we are round the bend.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to read this tale of your adventures on Verdi - and, I agree, you are NOT THAT OLD!



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